About me

It all started for me in 2016. I was having a conversation with a work colleague, who informed me that he was writing a children's book for his niece. I thought to myself, I'd like a crack at that, and started to pen my first Montgomery Frog story; 'Montgomery Frog's Fierce Fish Adventure'. I found it really helped me to write the story in rhyme, which has been my method for each and every book since then.

After writing a few adventures, I would ask various work colleagues to take them home and read them to their young relatives, and then give me some feedback. Invariably, I was told the kids loved the stories, but asked where the pictures were. This led me to begin illustrating my stories, which is something I enjoy immensely. Having written many stories, and illustrated my first one, I thought, why not self-publish my books and get them out there for the kids to enjoy?

I loved English and Art at school and, at 52 years old in 2016, I found myself using the skills I had learned so many years before. Now, after a few more years, I find myself with many books published and I have the satisfaction of knowing that hundreds of my books are out there (around the world) bringing lots of pleasure to a great many children. Isn't that great?!

The books are very high quality, fully laminated, Perfect Paperback. They are suitable for children from very young to around 9 years old. My books have been used for educational purposes in primary schools (verse is a very useful way to learn and remember things) and my illustrations are often complimented on their detail, expression and vibrant colours.

I have often been requested to do readings in local primary schools. Possibly the most memorable was a reading at the Oulton Primary School, Lowestoft, on World Book Day, when I read one of my books to an assembly of around 400 children, which went down a storm. On that occasion, I read a book called 'Montgomery Frog and the French Frog Fryer'. Details of all my published books, including a summary for each, can be found by clicking on Portfolio, at the top of this page.

For more information about my books, and how to get them, please drop me a message. 

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