My work

I am an author and illustrator of children's books. All of my books are written in rhyme, are colourfully illustrated, and there is a large selection to choose from.

They are sure to entertain and educate your children. Some of the books follow the adventures of Montgomery Frog and, his best friend, Tiberius Toad, although there are many others, seventeen in total. Your child or young relative could be the owner of a truly special book, which I'm sure would quickly lead to requests for more!

I have have recently written a story entitled 'The Very Humble Bumblebee' for the Felixstowe Community Nature Reserve, which was great fun to do, and has a subtle message about conservation. This is a collaboration with Charmaine McKissock, a talented and published author/illustrator, who has completed the illustrations, and given me some guidance on the story. You can view the completed story below.

For more information about my books, and how to get them, please drop me a message.  

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