
Montgomery Frog's Fierce Fish adventure
Montgomery Frog met his best friend Tiberius
Toad in a very strange way. He saved Tiberius from a ferocious pike with a
combination of courage, luck, humour and remembered advice from his father.
Other animals witnessed the struggle, with almost all rushing for safety. These
animals included various types of fish and a beast no-one expected………….

Montgomery Frog and the Hungry Heron
After a hearty breakfast, Montgomery Frog and Tiberius Toad enjoy a long stroll in the sunshine. Before too long, it starts to rain and they decide to shelter under an oak tree, beside a river. Unfortunately for the two friends, they don't know that disguise is the only way to avoid a hungry beast that lurks above them. Can they escape Jack……..…?

Montgomery Frog's Great Escape
Montgomery Frog is enjoying a glorious day watching tennis at Wimbledon. The sun is shining, so he is happy to show off his new, Wimbledon-themed, swimming costume. Unfortunately for Monty, this leads to a terrible mix-up, which leaves him stranded in London. With night-time approaching and scary animals on the prowl, who can save him………….?

Montgomery Frog and the Terrified Tadpoles
It's a warm and sunny day. Montgomery Frog and his best friend Tiberius Toad are sitting on a lily-pad, paddling their feet. Monty is writing stories in rhyme and Tib is imagining life as a wizard. A loud splash disturbs them, as a shoal of perch begin a tadpole hunt. Can Monty and Tib save the terrified tadpoles………….?

Montgomery Frog and the Freaky Frog Catcher
During a long stroll, Montgomery Frog and his best friend Tiberius Toad find themselves beside a river. Here, they bump into their friend Archibald Frog, who is looking decidedly glum. He explains that all of his frog friends have disappeared and he fears he may be next. Is it a ghost taking the frogs, as Tiberius fears, or something even worse...?

Montgomery Frog's Koi Carp Calamity
goes away, leaving the care of his pond and beautiful koi carp in the capable
hands of his friends, Montgomery Frog and Tiberius Toad. However, Montgomery
just lays in the sun relaxing, which makes Tiberius very angry. While the two
friends argue, disaster strikes, as Karen Koi is snatched from the pond. Can
Monty and Tib rescue Karen….?

Montgomery Frog and the Moon-Bound Martian
a restless night, Montgomery Frog glimpses a strange light descending from the
sky. The following morning, with his best friend, Tiberius Toad, he
investigates. They discover what looks like a spaceship, stuck in the ground. A
strange creature then emerges from the craft, in need of their help. Can they
help poor Mart the Martian……?

Montgomery Frog and the French Frog Fryer
Montgomery Frog is relaxing in bed one morning when there is a knock at the door. He gets up and finds a letter from France on the doormat, which turns out to be from his French cousin, Lance. It's bad news; a restaurant in France has captured frogs and snails with the intention of serving them to French diners. Can Monty and friends save them ….?

Montgomery Frog and the Hiding Hedgehog
Montgomery Frog and his best friend, Tiberius Toad, decide to visit their good friend, Hetty Hedgehog. They soon discover that she is the victim of a bully, Walter Weasel. How can the friends stop this bully? Is there anyone that could help? Find out in Montgomery Frog's exciting adventure, 'Montgomery Frog and the Hiding Hedgehog'.

Montgomery Frog and the Crocodile who couldn't Smile
Montgomery Frog and his friend, Tiberius Toad, travel to West Africa for a much-needed holiday. On a sunny day, they take a boat ride along a river and meet Craig Crocodile, who doesn't eat meat. Because of this, other crocodiles laugh at him and he hasn't got any friends. He can't even raise a smile, as he is so unhappy. Can Monty and Tib help?

Yanni the Yuletide Frog
Christmas Eve. Montgomery Frog and Tiberius Toad build a snow-frog together.
With night fast approaching, they are about to go indoors when they hear a
crash and a groan from nearby. They discover that Yanni the Yuletide Frog has
crashed his sleigh and hurt his knee. With lots of Christmas presents to
deliver before morning, can they help him?

What Rotten Luck, Stanley is Stuck!
Poor Stanley Stork wakes up to find himself stuck in a flagpole, high above the ground. It seems he has flown into it while daydreaming and humming his favourite song. With night-time fast approaching and Stanley scared and unable to free himself, who can help him? His good friend Eli Woodpecker arrives, but what can he do? Find out inside …….

The Mouse who guards our House
A little girl goes out for the day with her Mum and Dad, leaving her pet mouse free to explore her bedroom. Little do they know, a nasty thief called Charlie Kale is watching them leave. Thinking the house is empty, he breaks in to steal their treasured possessions. But Charlie Kale hasn't bargained on a wily little mouse called Brett……….

Mighty Mark, the Dragon without a Spark
A beautiful princess is kidnapped by a wicked witch and taken to a castle. There, she is left to do all the chores, while being guarded by a one-eyed dragon called Mark. Jeff, a not-so-brave knight, arrives to rescue the princess from the fearsome dragon. Can Jeff find a way to rescue the princess from the dragon when he is very afraid of him……….?

The Blue Tit's Best Friend
Reginald Robin's best friend was Blanche Blue Tit. She lived in a nest box with Blake. The nest box was fixed to the home of Nelly and Harold, who loved to watch them. Together, all the birds had fun flying from tree to tree in their garden. Nelly and Harold decided to put up a new nest box to attract more birds. That didn't please Blanche at all……

Mick Burpin, the World's Worst Highwayman
Mick Burpin knew the legend of Robin Hood and his merry men. He'd heard how they robbed the rich and gave to the poor. Mick loved the idea of robbing the rich, but giving to the poor seemed very silly when he could have all the booty for himself. So, he decided to become a highwayman. Unfortunately for Mick, it didn't quite go to plan…………

Montgomery Frog and the Dreaded Dragonflies
Montgomery Frog and Tiberius Toad are relaxing when they spot a dragonfly. Soon, more and more dragonflies arrive, until there are fifteen of them high above. As they watch, flying ants begin taking off from their nests. They are astounded when the dragonflies begin chasing the ants. Can Monty and Tib save the ants from the dreaded dragonflies?
If you'd like to know more about any of the books, just drop me a message.